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> Flags > Auto / Motorcycle Flags > Velcro Antenna Car Flags

U.S. Velcro Antenna Flags
4" X 6" U.S. Velcro Antenna Flags
Antenna flag. Made of 'Duraknit' no fray polyester. Attaches to any antenna by two-sided velcro for easy installation. "You won't believe how long our antenna flags will last", most customers get 3,000 to 5,000 freeway miles before ripping.
6" X 9" U.S. Velcro Antenna Flag
"New larger size" 6" X 9" antenna flag. Made of 'Duraknit' no fray polyester. Attaches to any antenna by two-sided velcro for easy installation. "You won't believe how long our antenna flags will last", most customers get 3,000 to 5,000 freeway miles before ripping.